Neighborhood Heroes!

ABOVE: FORC Board Member Jackie Lum and Conservation Catalyst Woody Wheeler cleaning up the 15th Avenue NE bridge pedestrian and bike lanes. Hasn’t looked this good for a while!

Woody Wheeler, who lives in the Ravenna-Cowen North NHD neighborhood and who has led Ravenna Park bird walks for FORC, was very frustrated about the litter in area and wanted to do something about it. He decided to clean up litter in Ravenna and Cowen parks and has been doing weekly cleanups for about three years. While doing these cleanups, Woody found a few more like-minded neighbors who wanted to make our neighborhood and adjacent parks a better place too. One of those concerned people was FORC Board Member Jackie Lum. Since then, Woody and Jackie have become Neighborhood Heroes! The amount of work they do is huge and their positive impact is clearly noticeable – and all for the greater good!

You can read an earlier blog post Woody wrote for his Conservation Catalyst organization here:  that provides more background about what they’ve been doing and also shares helpful information about Seattle’s Adopt-A-Street program.

Neighbor Ian Young has helped out on a number of “trash walks” and has helped make a real difference. Another neighbor and friend of FORC, Kevin Armstrong, has recently joined in too and really been helping out with cleaning up Ravenna Park!

When you walk around our neighborhood, take time to appreciate what our local heroes accomplish! Say hi if you see them out with their orange vests and tools. Set a good-neighbor example too. And, if you would like to help too, either send an inquiry directly to Woody at Conservation Catalyst or contact FORC and we’ll help you connect with them.

Jackie with super helpful neighborhood volunteer Kevin Armstrong.
Ian carefully removing health hazards last summer.

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