Check out the Circle Park Plant List!

Our wonderful neighbor volunteer George Macomber provided the plant list for the Circle Park! This is a comprehensive list with useful links that provide additional information about the many fine plants you can find growing in the Circle Park. This list is a terrific resource not only for gardeners, but for anyone interested in identifying and/or learning more about these plants. A huge Thank You to George for preparing this detailed list!

The Circle Park is thriving, mostly due to George’s work. Fellow neighbor, Sue Samuelson, also lends a hand in keeping it thriving. If you would like to learn more about plants and help with tending this remarkable neighborhood amenity, please contact FORC and we’ll help you connect with George and Sue. They have been outstanding stewards of the Circle Park for many years and would welcome new volunteers to assist with this project.

Also — Attention gardeners! — George reports that he’ll be thinning the lovely native Douglas irises this fall and expects to have some available for anyone who wants them. We’ll post an update on the FORC website ( under “News and Events.” Likewise, we’ll post other news regarding the Circle Park there too. 

Meanwhile, enjoy the Circle Park’s lovely flowers and lush foliage!

There are at least four kinds of native wildflowers blooming in this snapshot.
“Farewell to Spring” is a native plant that started blooming right around the Summer Solstice—right on time! More blossoms are showing up each day now!

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One response to “Check out the Circle Park Plant List!”

  1. This is wonderful! George and Sue have been extraordinary stewards of the Circle Park since 2009. How fortunate we all are to have them as neighbors.

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