Successful AADU and DADU Workshop

Maxwell and Katrina on stage.

Twenty people attended our AADU and DADU Workshop held on Saturday 24, 2024 at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center. Maxwell Branham and Katrina Nygarrd from the City of Seattle’s Department of Construction and Inspections provided a comprehensive presentation on adding accessory dwelling units to existing homes. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session.

Maxwell and Katrina did an excellent job and later told us that this was the first workshop the City has held at the request of a neighborhood group. I guess that makes us pioneers.

Later this year we are planning a walking tour of several existing accessory dwelling units in the Historic District. There are some great examples in our neighborhood. Check this site for updates and details.

As the City is currently drafting a new Comprehensive plan to be consistent with recently passed Washington State legislation, zoning regulations will undoubtedly be changed. We will probably sponsor another workshop in the future that will reflect these changes. Stay tuned.

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